Once you are on the Tempest spaceship, go to the Research and Development terminal next to Liam to learn and craft weapons and armor. You can also do this where enemies are standing close together so you can hit them all before the flamethrower runs out. Make sure to set the difficulty to Normal or higher or else the enemies will die before they start to burn. Every drop ship has at least a few enemies jumping off it at the same time. This can be done on the very first dropship in "Chapter 1: Planetfall" (Habitat 7). You encounter a lot of dropships throughout the game. Wait under a dropship and when the enemies jump out, immediately use the flamethrower on them. Lighting three enemies on fire with one continuous flamethrower attack works best with enemy dropships. The Flamethrower (Tech) skill is required to get the "Pyrotechnics Expert" trophy. Stop using the Cryo Beam just before the enemy's health is depleted or else it will kill them. You will know they are frozen when they fall to the ground, unable to move. Set the difficulty to Normal or higher or else enemies will die before freezing. The enemy has to die from this attack to get the trophy. Then, press X to jump and Triangle to perform a melee attack. Use the Cryo Beam skill to freeze an enemy. The Cryo Beam (Tech) skill is required to get the "Icebreaker" trophy.